Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

If I have a magic lamp !!!

If I had a magic lamp of course I am very happy and grateful for having had it.
I believe the same as you also glad it was not?

On this occasion I had three wishes on a magic lamp.

I'm the first one given health.
I think if we are healthy we can do anything with ease, because the healthier we are also free to eat whatever we want without any restrictions. and of course also with a delicious flavor as it should.

The second wish I want to be successful.
success can be defined also by the rich. the rich we can go to everywhere that we want, we can buy just about anything. and we can share with others.

The third I want happiness.
I think all I have is nothing without me and my family happy. Happy for everyone's relative, but I am sure we remain eternally grateful for all that we have, we'll definitely be happy with themselves.

Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

The existence of mall

Changing times makes people easy to find and buy necessities . This is evident from its many malls are spread all over Indonesia . Almost every major city has a mall .

Mal very rapid development in Indonesia. Function of the mall itself is now switching function , which previously had a functioning mall places to sell or buy goods or services , the mall is now also used as a place to play , exercise , or just hanging out with friends .

I recently learned that Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo will stop issuing new mall construction permits . I agree with his policies . Because I think the mall is quite beyond the growth boundary .

Besides the impact of the construction of the mall is other people will be hard to get a green open space , such as water catchment areas or parks , so soon will cause flooding .

The social impact of the construction of the mall is going to be a resident citizen who consumptive and spend time at the mall .

One more negative impact on the growth of the mall is the removal of one by one traditional markets , which in turn deadly activities of traditional indigenous traders .

On the other hand I also have a positive impact on the existence itself malls like Mall provides an increase in the state income tax form , because of the economic activity there . Every establishment mall means new employment . And the mall also provide facilities and accommodate all the needs of the community .

I agree to the existence of malls in big cities in Indonesia , but I hope that his presence did not go beyond the limits . Let us not be fooled by the mall we forget the needs of green open space . Though green open space is very important and very good for human survival .

Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Investigation Pregnant outside marriage

Socially teens today tend to be free , wild and away from parental supervision. At the age of 13-18 years Teenagers have curiosity levels high. Many teenagers who want to try new things, without thinking that they get the impact.
During adolescence, boys and women experience toward the development of adolescent children before becoming adults. Supposedly in teens is the role of parents and teachers is essential to the development of adolescent growth, so that they can pick and choose behaviors that should be done.

Free teen promiscuity which usually starts from a family that does not have a harmonious relationship, lack of parental supervision, stress to existing problems, and the opportunity to do free association, as well as the emergence of a high curiosity about something .
Belonging to promiscuity in teenagers like,free sex,alcohol drinking,taking drugs. I have investigated a common problem among teens that become marriage by accident .

Pregnant outside of marriage is a result of free sex. Free sex is now often the case is one form of his shattered morale of the nation.The days of youth have lost their shame and taboo nature in showing off the body shape , and related intimate in public. It was an early form of an offense.
Pregnant outside marriage are caused by a pair of young women as well as men who have not married but has had sex or what we call adultery. The incidence of many young women who have an abortion because the shame was pregnant outside of marriage. Of course this has ruined the future of this teenage couple. Her at the age of the young , should be able to undergo a negative view of the public to the problems that occur are pregnant outside of marriage. As well as getting a new issue if they have an abortion.

Teen promiscuity in order to avoid her as teenagers always draw closer to Allah SWT,trying to avoid promiscuity, always create a harmonious relationship to anyone in order to create a good communication, mutual understanding and to share . Active participation in community activities.

Life is only once, so do what you want , while still in the positive. Enjoy your youth with positive activities and can be beneficial to the community. In my religion Allah said the best man is the most beneficial for others.

Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013

Sinka Island Park

Sinka Island Park merupakan sebuah pantai yang terletak di Sedau. Salah satu tujuan wisata baru di Singkawang terletak di kawasan wisata Teluk Karang/Teluk Ma'jantuh. Terletak sebelah selatan kota Singkawang 8 km sebelum memasuki kota ini. Dari pinggir jalan raya Pontianak - Singkawang berjarak 3 km. Memerlukan waktu kurang lebih 3 jam kalau perjalanan dari Pontianak.
Sinka island Park merupakan objek wisata ini merupakan perpaduan dari wisata moden dan wisata alami yang menawarkan fasilitas hiburan modern dan alami, kawasan wisata tepi pantai ini menyajikan pemandangan pantai dan hiburan lainnya untuk keluarga yang ditopang dengan berbagai fasilitasnya. 
Sinka island Park merupakan sebuah kompleks wisata yang dibangun untuk memanjakan masyarakat Kalimantan Barat pada umumnya dan warga Singkawang khususnya. di area ini juga tersedia kolam renang, kantin dan banyak kios makanan dan minuman.
Yang paling terkenal di kawasan wisata ini adalah Sinka Zoo. Sebuah kebun binatang yang memiliki topografi berbukit-bukit. Kebun binatang ini terletak di sebelah selatan, sekitar 500 meter setelah memasuki kawasan Sinka Island Park. Seperti di Taman Safari, disini kita bisa mengelilingi Sinka Zoo dengan mengendarai mobil. Namun kalau pengunjung ingin turun untuk berfoto-foto juga dipersilakan.

Selain Sinka Zoo, Objek wisata lain yang bisa dikunjungi adalah Pulau Simping. Sebuah pulau kecil dan mungil yang dihubungkan oleh sebuah jembatan yang ada di Sinka Island Park.

My Vacation

Holiday is a fun activity for everyone , especially for me . Because a vacation can make our brain refreshed after doing daily activities - Last year my day with my family visiting Bantul , Yogyakarta.Yogyakarta is the birthplace of my father . A whole lot of my extended family live there . For it almost every single year once I visited Yogya . In addition to vacation , I also intend to stay in touch with my extended family . Yogyakarta has a variety of attractions that are very interesting to us flown . Yogyakarta is famous for literate city . I wonder if the people there are polite and friendly . If I was there the usual place I visited was Parangtritis , Malioboro , bringharjo Market , Fort palace , palace mosque , palace square and I also visited the zoo Gembiroluko.There is a crowded place. There we can find the foreign and domestic tourists.

Parangtritis is very close to my grandmother's house about 3km to arrive from my grandmother's house to Parangtritis.Because of the close distance makes me every afternoon at the beach playing with parangtritis sister and cousin. I also came to visit Taman Sari . This place is a relic of a former bathhouse Netherland.In there is a bathing place ladies Netherlands.there so many  place for bathing . When I visited had some water remaining in the pond and manicured . The place looks old buildings , because the original building is still there and has not been renovated .

From the location of Taman Sari I visited the mosque plaza square . Mosque close to the residence of the highly frequented Srisultan my family . In addition to his place comfortable, spacious parking and lots of culinary.My family often buy wedang ronde to drink after evening prayer together.Cold night air accompanied by a glass of wedang round was very fitting .

To friend or neighbor at home I usually carry by the typical Yogyakarta that I bought at Malioboro or Bringharjo Market . By  such typical batik , handbags and wallets are others of course distinctively Yogyakarta available here . And I also always buy Bakpia , geplak , yangko , wingko , voyeur friends to share with friends.The trunk of the car is always full. Not to mention if my grandmother gave her crops.

I also visited the Gembiroluko zoo , the zoo is located far away from my grandmother's house.There's like a zoo in his general . There zoo clean.There is also a neat animal in a cage.

Java is famous for its sweet flavor foods,it contained the typical food of Yogyakarta is gudeg.I am always there every taste gudeg.All my family was like,no wonder me and my family always eat.

I always give thanks to God for giving me the opportunity to be able to visit the beautiful place with family. And also for the opportunity I was to be able to share with others.