Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

(News) Benefits of grapefruit peel

The fruit has many benefits for our body. Especially fruit with greenish yellow color that has the rich will of health benefit .Grapefruit contains vitamin C , flavonoids , lycopene , minerals , and antioxidants that are very high.The grapefruit have sweetness and sour.Besides directly consumed grapefruit commonly consumed processed first by jus.

Ususally in most people of us only consume meat section the fruits. Whereas on the skin was good to eat as well have the content nutritionally complete as it can cure some kinds of cancer, such as colon cancer , liver cancer and breast cancer.

I recently saw the news on the antv that presents news about the benefits of grapefruit rind. Students from the University of Gadjah Mada ( UGM ) pharmacy faculty have tested that grapefruit peel contains compounds that can help solidify estrogen to human bone. or we are familiar with osteoporosis .

How to research, grapefruit peel peeled and cut then roasted , after the ground dried grapefruit peel and the juice is taken and mixed with pure milk. Grapefruit peel are usually just as the only waste, now be processed and in fact have benefits for bone tamp.

Grapefruit peel mixed milk with high calcium is a better way than by consuming only high- calcium milk.The result this invention makes Gadjahmada University students won gold medals in the national student science week in 2013.

This that I can write in my blog. it is time we tried to start processing and consuming the fruit and peel of grapefruit because it has many health benefits for our bodies.

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