Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

The existence of mall

Changing times makes people easy to find and buy necessities . This is evident from its many malls are spread all over Indonesia . Almost every major city has a mall .

Mal very rapid development in Indonesia. Function of the mall itself is now switching function , which previously had a functioning mall places to sell or buy goods or services , the mall is now also used as a place to play , exercise , or just hanging out with friends .

I recently learned that Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo will stop issuing new mall construction permits . I agree with his policies . Because I think the mall is quite beyond the growth boundary .

Besides the impact of the construction of the mall is other people will be hard to get a green open space , such as water catchment areas or parks , so soon will cause flooding .

The social impact of the construction of the mall is going to be a resident citizen who consumptive and spend time at the mall .

One more negative impact on the growth of the mall is the removal of one by one traditional markets , which in turn deadly activities of traditional indigenous traders .

On the other hand I also have a positive impact on the existence itself malls like Mall provides an increase in the state income tax form , because of the economic activity there . Every establishment mall means new employment . And the mall also provide facilities and accommodate all the needs of the community .

I agree to the existence of malls in big cities in Indonesia , but I hope that his presence did not go beyond the limits . Let us not be fooled by the mall we forget the needs of green open space . Though green open space is very important and very good for human survival .

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